Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Am Beautiful

Came across the following devotion yesterday, and really liked a prayer they suggested:

“Lord, help me see myself as You see me, no matter how beautiful it is.”

I have a huge problem with Self Confidence, and unfortunately, it hasn't gotten better with age.  Whether it's my looks, my intelligence or what's sometimes in my heart, I often find myself not worthy of love from family and friends, even God at times.  I like this prayer because it's simple and honest.  I hope I take it to heart!  To read the entire devotion, go to the following link:

Girlfriends In God: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Devotion

I also like the verse Song of Song (Solomon) 7:2.  I definitely have a mound...really more like a mountain!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Makin' Whoopee!

Mason and a Whoopee Cushion...nuff said!

Brad took about 20 different videos of Mason and his new toy!  This next one is the longest and it cracks me up!  (pay no attention to the messy boy's room)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I need a place to GET AWAY...

Mason is 2 now and soon will be able to start bunking with Wyatt.  That means I can turn his nursery into my Craft Room/Reading Room/Multipurpose Room/GETAWAY Room! 

  • Maybe have a chair and a lamp to do some reading. 

  • Maybe set up a small table so I could wrap a present or two without having to clear off the kitchen table.  

  • Maybe I could have some sort of organization to my scrapbooking supplies and photo albums.  

  • And maybe I could actually have a work space where I could leave my materials out without worring about my kids running off with my scissors or sticker
But until then, I will dream about my next stay at my friend's Maple Memories Craft House here in McPherson, KS. 

I love staying there and being able to setup my workarea and not worry about picking it up for 2 whole days!  I can stay up as late as I want and get up as early as I want and it will all still be there waiting for me.  And my group of friends will also be there to share stories, share ideas and encourage one another as we tackle a new page layout or a new project all together.  Good times!  Can't wait for the next one.  Check out the above website for some great giveaways!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day Weekend Fun

We had a great weekend! It started off with great FOOTBALL results! KSU beat UCLA and NDSU beat KU! My husband and youngest son attended the KSU game with family while my daughter hung out with her Aunt and their new puppy, Papi.

My oldest son and I drove to Lawrence to cheer on the our friend's new team, North Dakota State University. I guess our cheering worked because the Bison won their game 6-3!

It was an awesome day for all :)

We attended two family reunions on Sunday in the Topeka area, and on the way home Monday, we drove thru Chapman, KS and came upon a parade! So we stopped and sat on one of the corners and waved at the participants and collected candy for the kids.

My Baby is 2!

Cupcakes, cupcakes, and more cupcakes!